Dernière mise à jour : 30/03/2024  |
Formation et parcours professionnel
Thèmes de recherche
Activités scientifiques
Participation à projets
Autres activités internationales
Principales publications et conférences
 | 2022-... : Chargé de Recherche (HDR) CNRS, Dynamique Du Langage
2017-2021 : Senior Lecturer, University of Western Australia (Perth)
2016-2017 : Australian Research Council's DECRA Fellowship, University of Sydney
2014-2015 : Post-doctorante ASLAN, Dynamique Du Langage
2010-2013 : Doctorante à l'Australian National University (Canberra)
 | 2022 : Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (Université Lyon 2 Lumière, dir. François Pellegrino)
 | 2014 : Doctorat de Linguistique (Australian National University, dir. Nicholas Evans)
 | 2005 : Doctorat de Philosophie (Université Paris 8, dir. Antonia Soulez)
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 | Can the language we speak change the emotions we feel?
 | Languages, expressivity and emotions
- Typology of the linguistic encoding of emotions across the world's languages
- Expressive ressources: morphology (e.g. diminutives, augmentatives, reduplication), interjections, prosodie...
- Semantic and lexical typology of in the domain of emotion and intellection
- Figurative representations of emotions
- Methodology and documentation of the linguistic encoding of emotions
 | Description of Australian languages
- Gunwinyguan languages (Arnhem Land, Northern Territory): Dalabon, Rembarrnga, Kunwok
- Kriol (northern Australian creole)
- Argument structure and valency operations (reflexives, applicatives), aspect and modality, possessive constructions, possession classes,
discourse structure...
- Evaluative morphology (diminutives, reduplication)
- Lexical semantics of the domains of emotions, intellection and traditional-knowledge concepts
 | Creoles and language shift
- Linguistic and cultural implications of language shift
- Linguistic ecology and sociolinguistic attitudes towards Kriol
- The linguistic encoding of emotions in Kriol: lexicon, metaphors, prosody, interjections...
- Grammatical description of Kriol as spoken in the Barunga region : aspect, modalité, structure du discours...
 | Linguistic communication and community engagement
- Documentation of minority languages
- Methods to document the linguistic encoding of emotions, for linguists
- Tools for language documentation in the emotional domain, for communities
- Collaboration with community organisations around local projects
- Role of digitisation of local language collections
 | La langue que l'on parle peut-elle influencer les émotions que l'on ressent?
 | Langues, expressivité et émotions
- Typologie de l'encodage linguistique des émotions dans les langues du monde
- Ressources expressives : morphologie (ex. diminutifs, augmentatifs, réduplication), interjections, prosodie...
- Typologie sémantique et lexicale dans le domaine des émotions et de l'intellection
- Représentations figuratives des émotions
- Méthologie et documentation de l'encodage linguistique des émotions
 | Description des langues australiennes
- Langues gunwinyguan (Arnhem Land, Territoire du Nord) : dalabon, rembarrnga, kunwok
- Kriol (créole du nord de l’Australie)
- Structures actancielles et opérations de valence (constructions réflexives, applicatives), aspect et modalité, contructions possessives, classes de possession, organisation du discours...
- Rôle du corps dans les représentations figuratives des émotions
- Morphologie évaluative (diminutifs, réduplication)
- Sémantique lexicale dans le domaine des émotions, de l'intellection et des concepts du savoir traditionnel
 | Créoles et changement linguistique
- Implications linguistiques et culturelles du changement linguistique
- Ecologie linguistique et sociolinguistique du kriol
- L'encodage des émotions en kriol : lexique, métaphores, prosodie, interjections...
- Description grammaticale du kriol parlé dans la région de Barunga : aspect, modalité, structure du discours...
 | Documentation linguistique et engagement communautaire
- Documentation de langues minoritaires
- Méthodes pour la documentation de l'encodage linguistique des émotions à destination des linguistes
- Outils pour la documentation du domaine des émotions à destination des communautés
- Collaboration avec des organisations communautaires autour de projets locaux
- Rôle de la digitisation des collections linguistiques locales
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 | 2022-2025 : Co-rédactrice en chef du Journal de la Société des Océanistes
Avec Jessica De Largy Healy (CNRS LESC, Laboratoire d'Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative)
2023-2027 : Membre du Comité d'Ethique de la Recherche de l'Université de Lyon
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 | Funded projects and research groups
- 2023 : Coordinating InterjecT1, ASLAN
Work Package 1 : Functional and semantic typology of interjections across the world, with Aimée Lahaussois (CNRS HTL) & Yvonne Treis (CNRS LLACAN)
Work package 2 : Interjections and vocalisations (pain, disgust, joy), with Christophe Coupé (HKU), François Pellegrino (CNRS DDL) & Kasia Pisanski (CNRS DDL) https://aslan.universite-lyon.fr/projet-interjectt1-309300.kjsp?RH=1525438355903
- 2022-2024 : Australian Linguistic Society Research Grant
‘Domestic uses of fire in past and present Australia: what language can tell us’
Luisa Miceli (Linguistics, UWA), Ingrid Ward & Emilie Dotte-Sarout (Archaeology, UWA)
- 2022-2025 : Linkage Project Grant, Australian Research Council
‘Life after digitisation: future-proofing Western Austraila’s vulnerable cultural heritage’.
Helena Grehan (Murdoch University), Ben Smith (UWA), Paul Arthur (Edith Cowen University) & Clint Bracknell (University of Queensland)
With Western Australian Language Centres: Mirima Dawang Woorlab-gerring
(Kununurra), Wangka Maya (Port Headland), Kimberley Language Resource Centre (Halls Creek) & Irra Wangga (Geralton).
- 2021-2023 : Discovery Project Grant (Australian Research Council)
‘Landscape, language and culture in Indigenous Australia’
Intra- and cross-linguistic variation of linguistic descriptions of space.
Bill Palmer (University of Newcastle), Alice Gaby (Monash University) & Joe Blythe (Macquarie University)
- 2020-... : Member of FEMIDAL project, coordinated by Patrick Caudal (CNRS, LLF)
‘Formal/Experimental Methods in In-Depth Descriptions of Australian Indigenous Languages’
- 2013-... : ‘Frames’ project within ‘TransferS’ Labex
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 | Affiliations à l'étranger
- 2022-...: Adjunct in the School of Social Sciences The University of Western Australia, Perth
- 2014-2022:
Affiliate Member of the Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language (Australian National University, University of Melbourne, University of Western Sydney, University of Queensland) |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2020, "Difference and repetition in language shift to a creole. The expression of emotions", Routledge (link)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2014, "The language of emotions: The case of Dalabon (Australia)", John Benjamins Publishing Company, 466 p. (publisher link, open archive link)
Thèses et mémoires
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Ponsonnet, M., 2022, "Towards a semantic typology of feelings
The linguistic encoding of emotions across languages, and what it tells us", Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches, rapport de synthèse , SDL , Université Lyon 2 Lumière, 130 p. (link)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "The language of emotions in Dalabon (Northern Australia)", Mémoire de thèse, Linguistics, School of Culture, History and Language, Australian National University (link)
Ouvrages édités
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Ponsonnet, M., Hoffmann, D. & O'Keeffe, I. (eds), 2020, "Emotion, body and mind across a continent: Figurative representations of emotions in Australian Aboriginal languages", Pragmatics & Cognition, special issue 27(1) (link)
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Ponsonnet, M. & Vuillermet, M. (eds), 2018, "Morphology and emotions across the world’s languages", John Benjamins, Special issue of Studies in Language, 42(1), 295 p., John Benjamins, 0378-4177 (link, ingenta connect)
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Travési, C. & Ponsonnet, M. (eds), 2015, "Les conceptions de la propriété foncière à l’épreuve des revendications autochtones : possession, propriété et leurs avatars", Marseille, pacific-credo Publications, 306 p. |
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Ponsonnet, M., Dao, L. & Bowler, M. (eds), 2012, "Proceedings of the 42nd Australian Linguistic Society Conference – 2011. (Canberra, 1-4 Dec 2011)", Canberra, ANU Research Repository |
Chapitres dans les ouvrages
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Ponsonnet, M., 2024, "ANGER in Dalabon: “Nasty diseases and invasive species”", in Metaphors of ANGER across languages: Universality and variation, Kövecses, Z., Benczes, R. & Szelid, V. (eds), Mouton De Gruyter (link)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "The affordances of ‘face’ in Dalabon, Gunwinyguan, non-Paman-Nyungan, Australia", in Embodiment in cross-linguistic studies. The 'face'. , Pattillo, K. & Wasniewska, M. (eds), Leiden, Boston, Brill (link)
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Ritz, M.E. & Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "Time, Language and Thought: What language can tell us about our concepts of time", in Everywhen. Australia and the language of deep history, McGrath, A., Rademaker, L. & Troy, T. (eds), The University of Nebraska Press, pp. 165-192 (link)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "Possession", in Oxford Guide to Australian languages, Bowern, C. (ed), Oxford University Press, pp. 243-252 (link to open archive)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "Interjections", in Oxford Guide to Australian languages, Bowern, C. (ed), Oxford University Press, pp. 564-572 (link to open archive)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2022, "Emotional language: A brief history of recent research", in Approaches to Language and Culture, Völkel, S. & Nassenstein, N. (eds), De Gruyter, pp. 307-335 (link)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2022, "Emotional relativity and cross-cultural research on emotions", in Language and Emotion. An international handbook, vol. 2, Schiewer, G., Altarriba, J. & Ng, B. (eds), De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 1031-1061 (link)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2021, "Transfer and applicative constructions in Gunwinyguan languages (non-Pama-Nyungan, Australia)", in Give constructions across languages, Bouveret, M. (ed), John Benjamins, pp. 121-143 (link)
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Mushin, I. & Ponsonnet, M., 2021, "Country, People and Language in Carpentaria", in Alexis Wright, Carpentaria, Castro-Koshy, E. & Lehartel, T. (eds), Ellipse (link)
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McConvell, P. & Ponsonnet, M., 2018, "Generic term of subsections (‘skins’): sources and semantic networks", in Skins, kin and clans, McConvell, P. & Kelly, P. (eds), Résultats Postdoc ASLAN, Canberra, ANU Epress, pp. 271-315 |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2017, "Les métaphores de la colère en dalabon : universalité et particularités", in L’expression des émotions : syntaxe et sémantique, Tersis, N. & Boyeldieu, P. (eds), Paris, ENS Editions, pp. 531-556 |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2016, "Emotion nouns in Australian languages. A case study and a preliminary survey
", in Language, Land and Story in Australia, Austin, P., Koch, H. & Simpson, J. (eds), Londres, EL Publishing |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2016, "Reflexive, reciprocal and emphatic functions in Barunga Kriol", in Loss and renewal. Australian languages since colonization, Meakins, F. & O'Shannessy, C. (eds), Berlin, Mouton De Gruyter, pp. 297-332 |
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Ponsonnet, M. & Evans, N., 2015, "Emotional valuation in Dalabon diminutives", in The Edinburgh Handbook of Evaluative Morphology, Grandi, N. & Kortvelyessy, L. (eds), Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 401-407 |
Articles de revues
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Stephenson, A., Ponsonnet, M. & Allassonnière-Tang, M., 2024, "‘Reflexemes’ – a first cross-linguistic insight into how and why reflexive constructions encode emotions", STUF - Language Typology and Universals, 77:1, pp. 141-188 (link)
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Yacopetti, E. & Ponsonnet, M., 2024, "A semantic typology of emotion nouns in Australian Indigenous languages", Australian Journal of Linguistics, 44:11, pp. 29-68 (open access link)
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Ponsonnet, M., Coupé, C., Pellegrino, F., Garcia Arasco, A. & Pisanski, K., 2024, "Vowel signatures in emotional interjections and nonlinguistic vocalizations expressing pain, disgust, and joy across languages", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 156:5 (open access link)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "Synthèse : Les langues autochtones australiennes. Écologie et idéologies", Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 156, pp. 85-101 (open access link)
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Ward, I., Ponsonnet, M., Miceli, L., Dotte-Sarout, E. & Rustandi, J., 2023, "How linguistic data can inform archaeological investigations: an Australian case study around combustion features", Open Archaeology, 9:1, pp. doi.org/10.1515/opar-2022-0312 (open access link)
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Brown, C. & Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "Event plurality and the verbal suffix ‑(a)bad in Australian Kriol", Journal of Pidgin and Creole Language, online (link)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2022, "The Linguistic Embodiment of Emotions. A Study of the Australian Continent", Ethos, 50:2, pp. 153-183 (link)
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Palmer, B., Hoffmann, D., Blythe, J., Gaby, A., Pascoe, B. & Ponsonnet, M., 2021, "Frames of spatial reference in five Australian languages", Spatial Cognition and Computation, https://doi.org/10.1080/13875868.2021.1929239 (link)
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Brown, C. & Ponsonnet, M., 2021, "Constraints on subject elision in northern Australian Kriol: Between discourse and syntax", Australian Journal of Linguistics, 41:3, pp. 287-313 (link)
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Laughren, M. & Ponsonnet, M., 2020, "Ear and belly in Warlpiri descriptions of cognitive and emotional experience", Pragmatics & Cognition, 27:1, pp. 240-271 (link)
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Ponsonnet, M. & Laginha, K.J., 2020, "The role of the body in descriptions of emotions. A typology of the Australian continent", Pragmatics & Cognition, 27:1, pp. 20-82 (link)
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Luk, E. & Ponsonnet, M., 2019, "Discourse and pragmatic functions of the Dalabon 'ergative' case-marker", Australian Journal of Linguistics, 39:3, pp. 287-328 (link)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2018, "Expressivity and performance. Expressing compassion and grief with a prosodic contour in languages of the Gunwinyguan region (northern Australia)", Journal of Pragmatics, 136, pp. 76-96 |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2018, "Lexical semantics in language shift. Comparing emotion lexica in Dalabon and Barunga Kriol (northern Australia)", Journal of Pidgin and Kriol languages, 33:1, pp. 92-35 |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2018, "A preliminary typology of emotional connotations in morphological diminutives and augmentatives", Studies in Language, 42:1, pp. 17-50 |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2018, "Expressive values of reduplication in Barunga Kriol (northern Australia)", Studies in Language, 42:1, pp. 226-255 |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2017, "Conceptual representations and figurative language in language shift. Metaphors and gestures for emotions in Kriol (Barunga, northern Australia)", Cognitive Linguistics, 28:4, pp. 631-671 (link)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2015, "Nominal subclasses in Dalabon (South-Western Arnhem Land)", The Australian Journal of Linguistics, 35:1, pp. 1-52 (link)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2014, "Les rôles de kangu « ventre » dans les composés émotionnels du dalabon (Australie du Nord) : entre figuratif et littéral
", Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, 109:1, pp. 415-461 |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2014, "Figurative and non-figurative uses of body-parts in descriptions of emotions in Dalabon (Northern Australia)", International Journal of Language and Culture, 1:1, pp. 98-130 (cliquez ici)
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McConvell, P. & Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "Results and prospects in the study of semantic change: A review of From polysemy to semantic change (M. Vanhove ed.)", Journal of Language Contact, 6:1, pp. 180-196 |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2011, "Les figures du doute en langue dalabon (Australie du Nord)", Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 132:1, pp. 151-164 |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2011, "Brainwash from English? Barunga Kriol speakers views about their language", Anthropological Linguistics, 52:2, pp. 160-183 |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2010, "Aspects of the semantics of emotions and feelings in Dalabon (South-Western Arnhem Land)", The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 20:3, pp. 367-389 |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2009, "Aspects of the semantics of intellectual subjectivity in Dalabon (South Western Arnhem Land)", Australian Aboriginal Studies, 2009:1, pp. 17-28 |
Communications avec actes édités
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Ponsonnet, M., 2014, "Documenting the language of emotions in Dalabon (Northern Australia). Caveats, solutions and benefits
"Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 4, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 6-8 Décembre 2013, Belkadi, A., Chatsiou, K. & Rowan, K. (eds), pp. 1-13 (cliquez ici)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2012, "Body-parts in Dalabon and Barunga Kriol: Matches and mismatches"42nd Australian Linguistic Society Conference, Canberra, Australie, 1-4 décembre 2011, ANU Research Repository, pp. 351-387 (cliquez ici)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2022, "Review of How Emotions are Made in Talk (Robles J.S. and Weatherall A. eds.)", Journal of Pragmatics, 200, 180-183 |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2019, "Recirculating Songs. Revitalising the singing practices of Indigenous Australia (Wafer J. et Turpin M. eds.)", Aboriginal History, Canberra |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2017, "Les émotions dans le discours/Emotions in Discourse (Blumenthal P., Novakova I. et Siepmann D. eds.). ", Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 111(2). , Paris |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "Mythes, missiles et cannibales. Le récit d’un premier contact en Australie (Dousset L.)", Anthropological Forum, 23(3) |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2008, "Le défi indigène (Glowczewski B. and Henry R. ed.)", L'Homme, 187/188 |
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Ponsonnet, M., 2014, "Dalabon Emotion Glossary. Second draft.", Canberra, Australie, pp. 34 (cliquez ici)
Source électronique
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Ponsonnet, M., 2021, "Emotion Language Australia", Broad audience website., www.emotionlanguageaustralia.com (open access link)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2012, "A culturally informed corpus of Dalabon", ELDP Project, Endangered Languages Archive (cliquez ici)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2011, "The Australian tradition of multilingualism and the post-colonial context", Sorosoro, Antoinre Launey (cliquez ici)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2011, "The ideology of monolingualism in the Australian context", Sorosoro, Antoine Launey (cliquez ici)
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Ponsonnet, M., 2009, "Aspects de la subjectivité intellectuelle en Dalabon (Sud-Ouest Arnhem, Australie). Trad. française. ", Texto!, François Laurent |