Dernière mise à jour : 15/07/2024  |
Formation et parcours professionnel
Thèmes de recherche
Activités scientifiques
Distinctions ou Financements
Principales publications et conférences
2021 - present: Ph.D. Student
Dynamics of Language Laboratory (DDL),
UMR 5596 CNRS - Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France
- ANR project: AnchorFL (Anchoring Foreign Language Learning) 🔗, directed by Véronique Boulenger (CNRS),
Alice Roy (CNRS)
and Claudio Brozzoli (CRNL)
2020 - 2021: Project Assistant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
- teaching materials development, administrative organizations of MITx MOOCs 🔗
2020 - 2021: Project Assistant
Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language,
National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taiwan
- academic organizations, human resources, budget planning, administrative managements
2017 - 2020: Research Assistant
Phonetics and Psycholinguistics Laboratory, NCCU, Taiwan
- speech corpora archiving, supervision of data annotation, administrative managements
2021 - 2024: Doctoral School in Neuroscience and Cognition (NSCo ED 476)
Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France
Thesis topic: Cortical Representations for Native and Non-native Phoneme Perception
Supervisors: Véronique Boulenger (CNRS), Claudio Brozzoli (CRNL) and Alice Roy (CNRS)
2017 - 2020 : Master of Arts in Linguistics (GPA 4.1/4.2)
Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei, Taiwan
Thesis topic: Lexical Organization in Taiwan Mandarin: Evidence from Word Association Tasks
(defense approved with A+, awarded as Annual Master's Thesis in 2021)
2018 Fall: Graduate Exchange Program (GPA 3.75/4.00)
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders/
Department of Modern Languages, University of Mississippi, Mississippi, USA
Courses: Speech Language Pathology, Phonological disorders, Quantitative linguistics
[Funded by International Outgoing Exchange Programs Award, NCCU, Taiwan]
2013 - 2017: Bachelor of Arts in English (GP 4/4)
Department of Foreign Language and Literature, National University of Tainan (NUTN), Taiwan
Languages: Mandarin (native), English (proficient), French (intermediate)
Neuroimaging: fMRI, MVPA (Nilearn/scikit-learn/Python)
Signal processing: Praat
Experimental design: PsychoPy/Pavlovia, Opensesame/Jatos
Statistics: Programming in R
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 | Neurolinguistics: motor and auditory contributions in speech perception |
 | Psycholinguistics: association networks, sentiment comparisons |
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 | 2023 - 2024
Co-organizer of the laboratory seminar "Dendy'n Science"
with Katarzyna Pisanski, DDL, Lyon, France
 | 2022 December
Invited talk
Institute of Linguistics, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
PhD in France:Motor Representation and Speech Processing in Foreign Language Learning
(法國博士生研究什麼:腦動神經於外語語音學習的歷程) 🔗
 | Public workshop presentations
Stage d'Orthophonie, DDL (Lyon, France, June 2022, 2023)
Biennale des Langues 2022 🔗 (Lyon, France, May 2022) |
 | Laboratory/Doctoral school seminars/presentations
poster presentation, DDL (Lyon, France, May 2024)
Beyond speech production: sensorimotor contribution to native and non-native phoneme perception
ImpAct Journal Club, CRNL (Bron, France, October 2023)
Cortical representations for native and non-native phoneme perception (poster presentation)
NSCo Scientific Day, NSCo ED 476, Université de Lyon (Lyon, France, June 2023)
Cortical representations for native and non-native phoneme perception
ImpAct Journal Club, CRNL (Bron, France, December 2022)
Motor Representation and Speech Processing in Foreign Language Learning
Club PAD DENDY, DDL (Lyon, France, November 2022)
Processing of phonemes in a foreign language: an fMRI study
NSCo Scientific Day, NSCo ED 476, Université de Lyon (Lyon, France, June 2022)
Motor Representation and Speech Processing in Foreign Language Learning
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 | 2021: 3-year Full-time Funded PhD Contract, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France |
 | 2021: Annual Master's Thesis Award, National ChengChi University (NCCU), Taiwan |
 | 2019: Conference Travel Grant, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan |
 | 2018: International Outgoing Exchange Programs Award, NCCU, Taiwan |
 | 2017: Academic Performance Award, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, NCCU |
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 | Lecturer
2022 Fall
Introduction to Linguistics in English
UE: 41DCAA01 - TD - General overview of SDL upgrade in English,
Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France
 | Teaching Assistant - Undergraduate
2018 Spring: Introduction to Phonology, Department of English, NCCU, Taiwan
2018 Spring: Language and Civilization, Center of General Education, NCCU, Taiwan
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Thèses et mémoires
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Tseng, T., 2020, "Lexical Organization in Taiwan Mandarin: Evidence from Word Association Tasks", Master's Thesis, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan (📄)
Articles de revues
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Tseng, T., Krzonowski, J., Brozzoli, C., Roy, A. & Boulenger, V., 2024 (preprint), "Embodied speech: sensorimotor contributions to native and non-native phoneme processing and learning", PsyArXiv, xx (link to the preprint)
Communications avec actes édités
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Tseng, T., 2020, "Lexical Networks between Sounds and Meanings in Taiwan Mandarin: Evidence from Psycholinguistics" The 3rd International Białystok-Kyiv Conference on Theoretical and
Applied Linguistics, Białystok, Poland, December, 2019, 29, pp. 37-52, Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies (📄)
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Tseng, T., Krzonowski, J., Roy, A., Brozzoli, C. & Boulenger, V., 2024, "Beyond speech production: sensorimotor contribution to native and non-native phoneme perception", 13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP 2024), Autrans, France, May 13-17, 2024 (poster) |
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Tseng, T., Krzonowski, J., Roy, A., Brozzoli, C. & Boulenger, V., 2024, "Decoding degraded speech in the motor cortex", Embodied and Situated Language Processing, Berlin, 2-5 Oct (conference) |
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Tseng, T., Krzonowski, J., Roy, A., Brozzoli, C. & Boulenger, V., 2023, "Cortical representations for native and non-native phoneme perception", 5th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL 2023), Marseille, France, October 24-26, 2023. (poster) |