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Pakendorf, B., Stoneking, M., 2021, "The genomic prehistory of peoples speaking Khoisan languages", Human Molecular Genetics, 30:2, pp. R49–R55 (Access article)
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Pakendorf, B., Stapert, E., 2020, "Sakha and Dolgan, the North Siberian Turkic languages", in The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages, Robbeets, M., Savelyev, A. (eds), Oxford University Press, pp. 430-445 |
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Pakendorf, B., Aralova, N., 2018, "The endangered state of Negidal: A field report", Language Documentation and Conservation , 12, pp. 1-14 (Access article)
Pakendorf, B., 2017, "Associated motion in Even from a Tungusic perspective", Espace & événements: mouvement et posture associés , Paris, France, 20/06/2017 |
Pakendorf, B., 2017, "Contact vs. innovation in dialect diversification: Explaining some features of Lamunkhin Even", Meeting of the “Linguistic Convergence Laboratory”, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia |
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Pakendorf, B., 2017, "Genetic and linguistic perspectives on population prehistory", Seminar “Evolution von Sprache”, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland |
Pakendorf, B., 2017, "Lamunkhin Even evaluative morphology in cross-linguistic comparison", Morphology, 27, pp. 123–158 (full-text view-only version)
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Pakendorf, B., 2017, "Size does matter: Demography as a trigger of language change", XLanS: Triggers of change in the Language Sciences, Lyon, France |
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Pakendorf, B., 2016, "Equality/similitude in Even (Northern Tungusic, Siberia)", Programme TUL « Expressions des comparaisons d’égalité et de similitude », Villejuif, France |
Pakendorf, B., Kuz'mina, R., 2016, "Evenskij jazyk [Even]", in Jazyk i obščestvo. Enciklopedija [Language and Society. An Encyclopedia], Mixal'čenko, V. (eds), Izdatel'skij Centr "Azbukovnik", pp. 583-587 |
Pakendorf, B., 2016, "Genetic and linguistic perspectives on population prehistory (using Siberia to illustrate)", proc. of Symposium “Frontiers of early human expansion in Asia: linguistic and genetic perspectives on Ainu, Japan and the North Pacific Rim”, Zurich, Switzerland, 13/03/2016 (eds) (abstract) |
Pakendorf, B., 2016, "Why, how, and when : Trying to reconstruct the copying of verbal paradigms in Lamunkhin Even", Seminaire du labo, DDL, Lyon, France |
Pakendorf, B., 2015, "17 reports on genetic history of individual ethnolinguistic groups, 9 in both English and Afrikaans", "Khoisan-" and "Bantu"-speaking communities in Namibia and Botswana, Windhoek |
Pakendorf, B., 2015, "A comparison of copied morphemes in Sakha
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Pakendorf, B., 2015, "Bantu-Khoisan contact: Genetic and linguistic perspectives", Symposium “Africa: A cross-disciplinary approach to inferring Human History”, Uppsala, Sweden |
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Pakendorf, B., 2015, "Genetic perspectives on language contact and prehistory amongst the ‘Khoisan’ of Namibia: Final report", Ministry of Health and Social Services, Windhoek |
Pakendorf, B., 2015, "Genetic perspectives on prehistoric language contact: a way forward or a dead-end?", Diversity Linguistics – Retrospect and Prospect, Leipzig, Germany, 02/05/2015 |
Pakendorf, B., 2015, "Historical linguistics and molecular anthropology", in The Routledge Handbook of Historical Linguistics, Bowern, C., Evans, B. (eds), Oxon, New York, Routledge Press, pp. 627-641 |
Pakendorf, B., 2015, "Molecular Anthropological Perspectives on the Bantu Expansion", proc. of Genetic History – A Challenge to Historical and Archaeological Studies, Berlin, Germany, 02/10/2015 (eds) (abstract) |
Pakendorf, B., 2015, "Namibia // Eastern Botswana", “Speaking (of) Khoisan”: a symposium reviewing southern African prehistory, Leipzig, Germany |
Pakendorf, B., Stoneking, M., 2015, "The genetic history of the indigenous peoples of Botswana (and Namibia)", University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana |
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Pakendorf, B., Stoneking, M., 2015, "The genetic prehistory of Southern Africa", Sydney Brenner Institute/National Health Laboratory Service, Johannesburg, South Africa |
Pakendorf, B., Stoneking, M., 2015, "The genetic prehistory of the “Khoisan” of Namibia and Botswana", WIMSA, Windhoek |
Pakendorf, B., 2015, "The Kalahari Basin area: a ‘Sprachbund’ on the verge of extinction Final report for Individual Project 3: “The Central Kalahari area with a focus on ǂHoan (Ju-ǂHoan family): language contact and population genetics”
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Pakendorf, B., Krivoshapkina, I., 2014, "Alternating experiencer constructions in Lamunkhin Ėven: a matter of perspective ", Syntax of the World's Languages 6, Pavia, Italy, 09/09/2014 |
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Pakendorf, B., 2014, "Dialectal variation and population genetics in Siberia", proc. of Methods in Dialectology XV, Groningen, Netherlands, 11-15 August 2014 (eds) (abstract) |
Pakendorf, B., Krivoshapkina, I., 2014, "Ėven nominal evaluatives and the marking of definiteness", Linguistic Typology, 18:2, pp. 289–331 (Access article)
(pdf of article)
Pakendorf, B., Krivoshapkina, I., 2014, "Fluid experiencer marking in Lamunkhin Ėven ", TypoULM seminar, EPHE Paris, France |
Pakendorf, B., 2014, "Genes and languages", III Seminario de Antropología Molecular, Mexico City, Mexico |
Pakendorf, B., 2014, "La génétique appliquée aux langues", 82, L’évolution des langues - Dossier Pour la Science (eds), pp. 46-51 |
Pakendorf, B., 2014, "Molecular anthropological perspectives on the Kalahari Basin area", in Beyond 'Khoisan'. Historical relations in the Kalahari Basin, Güldemann, T., Fehn, A.M. (eds), Amsterdam/New York, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 45–68 |
Pakendorf, B., 2014, "Molecular anthropology for historical linguistics", Linguistics Seminar, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia |
Pakendorf, B., 2014, "Molecular perspectives on the prehistory of Siberia", proc. of 2014 From Matsu Archipelago to Southeast Coast of Asia: International Symposium on the Studies of Prehistoric Cultural and Physical Remains, Taipei, Taiwan, 27/09/2014 (eds) (abstract) |
Pakendorf, B., 2014, "Paradigm copying in Tungusic: The Lamunkhin dialect of Ėven and beyond", in Paradigm Change. In the Transeurasian Languages and Beyond, Robbeets, M., Bisang, W. (eds), Amsterdam, New York, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 287-310 (Couverture)
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Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Evaluative suffixes and definiteness in Even", 87th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Boston, USA, 03 au 6 janvier 2013 |
Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Historical Linguistics and Molecular Anthropology", Workshop: "Foundations of Historical Linguistics: Dynamics of Hunter-Gatherer Language Change", Boston, USA, 05/01/2013-06/01/2013 |
Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Incipient grammaticalization of a redundant purpose clause marker in Lamunxin Ėven: Contact-induced change or independent innovation?", in Shared Grammaticalization. With special focus on Transeurasian languages, Robbeets, M., Cuyckens, H. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp. 259-283 |
Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Lamunkhin Even evaluative morphology in a cross-linguistic perspective", Transalpine Typology Meeting, Zurich, Suisse, 30 et 31 mai 2013 |
Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Language diversity and change", Introduction à l'anthropologie génétique (archéogénétique): une approche multidisciplinaire , Marseilles (UMR7268 Anthropologie Bioculturelle, Droit, Ethique et Santé), 10 octobre 2013 |
Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Paradigm copying in Tungusic: The Lamunkhin dialect of Even and beyond", Paradigm change in historical reconstruction: the Transeurasian languages and beyond, Mainz, Allemagne, 07/03/2013-08/03/2013 |
Pakendorf, B., 2013, "The interplay of language-internal variation and contact influence in language change", in The Interplay of Variation and Change in Contact Settings, Léglise, I., Chamoreau, C. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp. 199-227 |
Pakendorf, B., 2013, "The prehistory of southern Africa: Insights from autosomal and mtDNA data", Seminaire invité, University of Porto, Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (CIBIO), Vairão, Portugal, 22/02/2013 |
Pakendorf, B., 2012, "Почему важно документировать языки, находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения:Ламунхинский говор эвенского языка и его место в теории языковых контактов (Why it is important to document endangered languages: The Lamunxin dialect of Even and its place in language contact theory)", National Bases for Sustainable Development of the Indigenous Peoples of the North, Yakoutsk, Russie, 17 février 2012 |
Pakendorf, B., 2012, "Genetic Perspectives on 'Khoisan' Prehistory", EuroBABEL Final Conference, Leiden, Pays-Bas, 23/08/2012-26/08/2012 |
Pakendorf, B., 2012, "Information structure in a situation of language contact: Sakha influence on Lamunxin Even", 45th SLE Annual meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 29/08/2012-01/09/2012 |
Pakendorf, B., 2012, "Molecular perspectives on social interactions in Southern Africa", Workshop: "Khoisan kinship and society revisited", Edinburgh, Grande-Bretagne, 08/06/2012 |
Pakendorf, B., 2012, "Patterns of relativization in North Asia: towards a refined typology of prenominal participial relative clauses", in Complex clauses in Cross-linguistic perspective, Diessel, H., Gast, V. (eds), de Gruyter Mouton, pp. 253-283 |
Pakendorf, B., Krivoshapkina, I., 2012, "The use of evaluative suffixes to mark definiteness in an Even dialect", Semantic and typological perspectives on definites, Dusseldorf, Allemagne, 1 et 2 juin 2012 |
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Paulin, P., 2012, "From vegetal hut to metal-roof house: do the Baka Hunter-gatherers in Gabon change their conception of dwelling?", Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology, Montpellier, France, 20-25 mai (poster) |
Paulin, P., 2012, "L’étude comparative de six langues « sere-ngbaka-mba » dans une perspective de reconstruction d’une protolangue et de proposition d’inférences de contacts historiques.", Towards Proto-Niger-Congo: Comparison and Reconstruction, International Congress., Paris, 18-21 septembre |
Paulin, P., 2012, "Le film « Baka.mov », la communauté baka du Gabon et le travail d’ethnolinguiste" (eds), L’Afrique au Cœur |
Paulin, P., Ngongo, S., 2012, "What is the core of fieldwork: research or relationship? A case study of Baka hunter-gatherers in northern Gabon", Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology, Montpellier, France, 20-25 mai |
Paulin, P., 2011, "En quoi le lexique peut-il être révélateur d’une culture ? Une étude de cas : les Pygmées baka du Gabon", Les Déjeuners de l’ISH et de l’ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France, 25 novembre |
Paulin, P., Van der Veen, L., 2011, "Variations linguistiques de la langue baka (oubanguien) au contact du fang (langue bantu A75)", 4ème Colloque International de l’Association Française de Linguistique Cognitive (AFLICo), Lyon, 24-27 Mai |
Paulin, P., 2010, "Baka villages of northern Gabon: spatial distance as a strategy of preserving traditional culture", International Conference on Congo Basin Hunter-Gatherers, Montpellier, France, 22-24 sept (poster) (pdf (4Mo))
Paulin, P., 2010, "Categorization of mammals in the Hunter-gathering Baka community of Gabon, The inefficiency of tree models", The 3rd UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Hertfordshire, UK, 6-8 July of 2010 |
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Paulin, P., Van der Veen, L., 2010, "The Baka Hunter-gatherers of Gabon : way of life, habitat, language", Hunter-gatherers and Semantic Categories : An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Theory, Method and Documentation, Neuwied (Allemagne), 30 mai-4 juin 2010 |
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Paulin, P., 2008, "Les Baka du Gabon: étude d’une langue et d’une culture en danger", in Revue gabonaise de Linguistique, GRELACO (Groupe de Recherche en Langues et Cultures Orales, ). (eds), Libreville, Gabon, Université Omar Bongo |
Paulin, P., 2008, "Les Pygmées baka du Gabon : approche sociolinguistique", proc. of Autour des langues et du langage : perspective pluridisciplinaire, Colloque international des Etudiants chercheurs en Didactique des langues et en Linguistique, Grenoble, 4-7 juillet 2006 (eds), Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, pp. 307-314. (pdf)
Paulin, P., 2007, "Langue et culture baka en danger", Gabon (eds), Radio Africa n°1, 1h |
Paulin, P., 2007, "Langue et culture baka en danger", Gabon (eds), Radio RTG 1, 1h |
Paulin, P., 2007, "Langue et culture baka en danger", Gabon (eds), Télévision, Chaîne Nationale 3, Emission : ça se passe ici, 1h |
Paulin, P., 2007, "Langue et culture baka en danger", Gabon (eds), Télévision, Chaîne Nationale 3, Journal de 20h, 30 min |
Paulin, P., 2007, "Le vocabulaire des animaux en baka (Gabon)", Séminaire de Recherches Dynamique Du Langage, Lyon, 17 avril 2007. |
Paulin, P., 2007, "Les changements linguistiques en baka (oubanguien) induits par le contact du fang (bantu)", 37th Colloquium On African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden, Pays Bas, 27-29 août 2007 |
Paulin, P., 2007, "Les Pygmées baka du nord Gabon : langue et culture en danger?", Semaine scientifique interuniversitaire « 20 ANS DE RECHERCHE SUR LES LANGUES ET LES CULTURES DU GABON », Libreville, Gabon, 16-20 janvier 2007. |
Paulin, P., 2007, "The Baka language of Gabon and specialized vocabulary for animals", 38th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Gainesville, USA, March 2007. |
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Pélissier, M., Krzonowski, J., Ferragne, E., 2016, "Effect of saliency and L1-L2 similarity on the processing of English past tense by French learners: an ERP study", proc. of 7th ISEL Conference on Experimental Linguistics, St Pétersbourg, 1-2 juillet (eds), pp. 139-142 (abstract) (poster) (abstract)
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Pellegrino, F., 2017, "Comptons (sur) les langues ! un clin d’œil linguistique aux mathématiques", Forum Mathématiques vivantes, Lyon, 18 mars 2017 |
Pellegrino, F., 2017, "Cortical and Speech Rhythms: Open questions from a cross-language perspective ", IX BryCoCo Workshop (Brain Rhythms and Cortical Computation), Geneva, Switzerland, 5-6 October 2017 |
Pellegrino, F., 2017, "Information-oriented and cross-language aspects on speech and cortical rhythms", Lunch Talk Series, Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain, Marseille, 8 December 2017 |
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Pellegrino, F., Coupé, C., Marsico, E., 2012, "Les langues du monde : un même débit d'information", 420, Pour la Science (eds), pp. 66-71 (paper)
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Pellegrino, F., 2000, "A l'aube du 21ème siècle : Perspectives en Identification Automatique des Langues", Les Petits Déjeuners de l'ISH, Institut des sciences de l'homme, Lyon, France, 6 octobre 2000 |
Pellegrino, F., André-Obrecht, R., 2000, "Automatic language identification: an alternative approach to phonetic modelling", European Journal Signal Processing. Special Issue on Emerging Techniques for Communication Terminals, 80 (Pdf)
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Pellegrino, F., Barkat, M., 1999, "Investigating dialectal differences via vowel system modelling: Application to Arabic", proc. of ICPHs, San Francisco, Etats-Unis, 1999 (eds), pp. 297-300 |
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Pellegrino, F., Galinier, A., 1998, "Identification des langues par discrimination automatique des systèmes vocaliques", actes de XXIIèmes JEP, Martigny, 1998 (eds) |
Pellegrino, F., André-Obrecht, R., 1998, "La modélisation acoustique des systèmes vocaliques en identification des langues : détermination du nombre de composantes gaussiennes", Journée d'étude du GDR ISIS sur les méthodes entropiques en Signal et Image, Paris, France, 11 décembre 1998 |
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Philippson, G., 2019, "Consonant-tone interaction and complexification of African tone systems (with brief considerations on tone loss)", Atelier de Phonologie, Lyon, ISH, March 7 |
Philippson, G., 2019, "Lenition (and fortition) in the evolution of Bantu consonant systems", Atelier de Phonologie, Lyon, ISH, March 21 |
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Philippson, G., 2019, "Sorting out "unlabelled" items in BLR3", 49th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden, NL, 08/27/19 |
Philippson, G., 2018, "‘Double Reflexes’ Revisited: Implications for the Proto-Bantu Consonant System
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Philippson, G., 2018, "Vowel height harmony in Kilimanjaro Bantu: a new look at the evidence", in Revealing structure: Papers in honor of Larry M. Hyman, 219/1, Buckley, E., Crane, T., Good, J. (eds), CSLI Lecture Notes, CSLI Publications, pp. 213-227 |
Philippson, G., 2018, "Where exactly does Bobe (A31) fit in the Bantu genealogy?", 48th Colloquium on African Languages & Linguistics, Leiden (P.-B.), 08/30 to 09/01/18 |
Philippson, G., 2017, "The bizarre phonological system of Bobe (A31) and its relationship to "Proto-Bantu"", Atelier Histoire et Ecologie des Langues (HELAN2), Lyon, ISH, 12/13/17 |
Philippson, G., 2017, "The diachrony of pre-verbal *ni- in Kilimanjaro Bantu (E60)", 47th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden (P.-B.), 08/28 to 08/30/17 |
Philippson, G., 2016, "Locative clitics and demonstratives in Kilimanjaro Bantu (E60)", Workshop on locative suffixes in Bantu languages, Tervuren(Belgium), 03/03/16 |
Philippson, G., 2016, "Melodic tones and inflectional morphemes in Central Kenyan languages (E50)", Bantu6 (6th International Conference on Bantu Languages), Helsinki (Finland), 06/20 to 06/23/16 |
Philippson, G., 2015, "CB reflexes and the nature of Bantu consonant systems", 45th Colloquium on African Languages & Linguistics, Leiden (P.-B.), 08/31 to 09/01/15 |
Philippson, G., 2014, "Verb stem tone patterns in Dawida (E74a)", Africana Linguistica, 20, pp. 349-365 |
Philippson, G., Guérois, R., 2013, "Origins and genetic affiliations of P30 languages.", 5th International Conference on Bantu Languages (Bantu 5), Paris, Juin 12-15. |
Philippson, G., 2013, "Southern Bantu and Makhuwa revisited", 43th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden, 26-28 août 2013 |
Philippson, G., 2013, "Southern Cushitic loans in North-Eastern Bantu – a reconsideration of the evidence", proc. of 5th International Conference on Cushitic and Omotic Languages, Paris, 16-18 avril 2008, Simeone-Senelle, M.C., Vanhove, M. (eds), Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 3, pp. 81-93, Cushitic and Omotic Studies |
Philippson, G., 2010, "Three thousand years of language contacts in East Africa", in Essais de typologie et de linguistique générale. Mélanges offerts à Denis Creissels , Floricic, F. (eds), Langages, Lyon, ENS éditions, pp. 201-213 |
Philippson, G., Van der Veen, L., 2009, "Développement de la linguistique bantu. Figures, approches, représentations.", Séminaire (DDL) de linguistique africaine (2009-2010)., Lyon, 8 Décembre 2009 |
Philippson, G., Van der Veen, L., 2009, "Développement de la linguistique bantu. Figures, approches, représentations.", Séminaire de linguistique africaine, Lyon, 8 décembre 2009 |
Philippson, G., 2009, "Langues et histoire dans le Rift", in Le Rift est-africain : une singularité plurielle. , Hirsch, B., Roussel, B. (eds), Marseille, IRD éditions / Publications scientifiques du MNHN, pp. 367-376 |
Philippson, G., 2007, "Langue et histoire au Kilimandjaro et alentour : diffusion démique et diffusion culturelle", in Afrique, terre d'histoire: au coeur de la recherche avec Jean-Pierre Chrétien, Deslaurier, C., Juhé-Beaulaton, D. (eds), Paris, Karthala, pp. 51-71 (pdf)
Philippson, G., 2007, "Temps et aspect en taita", Journée de linguistique bantu, Lyon, 21/06/07 |
Philippson, G., 2006, "Increase in complexity in eastern Bantu tone systems", Workshop on Tone Complexity, Lyon, DDL, 10/11/06 |
Philippson, G., 2006, "Tone 'anticipation' in Bantu", International Conference on Bantu Grammar: Description and Theory, London, SOAS, 20-22 /04/ 06 |
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