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Bruil, M., 2016, "Differential case marking and information structure in Ecuadorian Siona", Amazónicas VI, Simposio de familias lingüísticas: Tukano y Makú (Nadahup/Kakua-Nukak/Puinave), Leticia/Tabatinga, Colombia, May 28 |
Bruil, M., 2016, "Heterogeneity and variation in the use of Ecuadorian Siona classifiers", Gender and classifiers: Diachronic and synchronic variation, , University of Surrey, January 29 |
Bruil, M., Gonzales, G., 2016, "On the existence of egophoricity in Nam Trik. ", Symposium on evidentiality, egophoricity, and engagement: descriptive and typological perspective, University of Stockholm, March 17 |
Bruil, M., 2016, "Perspective-indexing clause types in Ecuadorian Siona. ", 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Napels, Italy, September 1 |
Bruil, M., 2016, "Stance-taking devices in Ecuadorian Siona ", Séminaire ENS: Cognition verbs, modality, evidentiality and constructions, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, April 15 |
Bruil, M., González, P., Leeuwen, J., 2016, "The Ecuadorian Spanish benefactive and the inherent aspect of the verb", TAM-E 2016, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France, November 18 |
Buclier, A., Soroli, E., Kopecka, A., 2024, "Lexicalization patterns and language variation under the microscope: a corpus study on motion event encoding in French, English, and German", International conference AFLiCo 9 Embodied and Ecolinguistic Approaches to Cognitive Linguistics, Université Lyon 3, Lyon, 15-17 May 2024. |
Buclier, A., Soroli, E., Kopecka, A., 2024, "Spatial asymmetries in the expression of Path and Manner: comparative study of narratives in French, English, and German", 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Workshop on "Spatial (a)symmetries across languages", University of Helsinki, Finland, 21-24 August 2024. |
Bunkham, N., 2019, "A Study of the Semantics of PAJ 'go' in Thai and ALLER 'go' in French
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Bunkham, N., 2019, "ALLER en français : Extension du sens spatial au sens abstrait ", Colloque des Doctorants en Études romanes, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hongrie, 29 mars |
Bunkham, N., Seifen, K., Vittrant, A., 2019, "Encoding Dynamic deixis: examples from Southeast Asian languages", DEICTES 2019, Université de Rijeka, Croatie, 28-29 Juin |