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Gasparini, N., 2017, "Directives in Siriono", Atelier de morphosyntaxe, Lyon, 17 mars 2017


Gasparini, N., 2017, "Fabrication des dictionnaires : démarche savante, science participative, projet collaboratif", Journées d'étude dictionnaire francophone, regards croisés sur la lexicopoïèse, Université Lyon 3, Lyon, 17 novembre 2017 (vidéo)


Gasparini, N., 2016, "Epistemics in Siriono", Atelier de morphosyntaxe, Lyon, 8 avril 2016


Gasparini, N., 2016, "Table ronde Corpus en langues amérindiennes et humanités numériques", Temps, espace et société dans les langues autochtones d'Amérique du Sud à l'époque coloniale, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, 8-9 février 2016


Gasparini, N., Daviet, W., Danielsen, S., 2015, "¿Quién es parte de mi familia lingüística? Sobre los tupí-guaraní en Bolivia", Jornadas Tierras Bajas, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 15 octobre 2015  (pdf)


Gasparini, N., Danielsen, S., 2015, "Discovering two nearly extinct languages in Bolivia: Jorá and Guarasu", Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, 11 juin 2015  (diapos)


Gasparini, N., 2015, "I wish, I will, I want: directives in Siriono (Tupi-Guarani)", Symposium on Amazonian Linguistics, Berkeley, 24 avril 2015  (pdf)


Gasparini, N., Danielsen, S., Chousou-Polydouri, N., O'Hagan, Z., Bartolomei, K., Michael, L., 2015, "Southern Tupí-Guaraní Languages: Combining classification with areal linguistics", The 18th Annual Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, Santa Barbara, 18 mai 2015  (diapos)


Gasparini, N., 2014, "Aperçu de la morphosyntaxe du siriono (famille tupi-guarani, Bolivie) à travers l'homophonie", Séminaire DTT, Laboratoire DDL, 7 novembre 2014


Gasparini, N., 2014, "Jorá, siriono et langues tupi-guarani de Bolivie", Atelier Langue et Histoire, Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, Lyon, France, 14 janvier 2014


Gasparini, N., Rößler, E.M., Danielsen, S., 2014, "The Southern Clade of Tupi-Guarani Languages: Adposition Issues", AMAZONICAS V: A Estrutura das Línguas Amazônicas: Fonologia e Sintaxe, Belém, Brazil, May 26-30, 2014  (pdf)


Gasparini, N., 2013, "Evolución de las documentaciones: el caso Sirionó", Indigenous languages of Bolivia: theory and praxis. VII Congreso de la Asociación de Estudios Bolivianos, Sucre (Bolivia), 31 juillet 2013


Gasparini, N., Sans, P., 2013, "Langues de Bolivie : bésɨro et siriono", Atelier de sociolinguistique, Laboratoire DDL, 18 octobre 2013  (diapos)


Gasparini, N., 2012, "Multiplicity of solutions regarding the number in Tupi-Guarani languages", Communication pour le 54e Congrès International des Américanistes 2012. Symposium Variación histórica y variación inducida por contacto en las lenguas Tupí coordonné par Wolf Dietrich et Sebastian Drude, Vienne, 16 juillet 2012  (pdf)


Gasparini, N., 2011, "Linguistique de terrain en Bolivie", Présentation proposée aux étudiants de troisième année de Licence dans le cadre du cours de syntaxe de Caroline Imbert, Université Stendhal Grenoble 3, 8 novembre 2011


Gatt, D., O’Toole, C., Hickey, T., Miekisz, A., Haman, E., dos Santos, C., Kern, S., Rinker, T., Ohana, O., Armon-Lotem, S., 2014, "Parent report of early lexical production in bilingual children across varied contexts", 13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 14-18


Gatt, D., O'Toole, C., Hickey, T., Miekisz, A., Haman, E., dos Santos, C., Kern, S., Rinker, T., Ohana, O., Armon-Lotem, S., Kambanoros, M., Taxitari, L., 2013, "Parent report of early lexical production in bilingual children across varied contexts: a CDI study", Child Language Impairment in Multilingual Contexts (Bi-SLI 2013), Cracovie, Pologne, May 27-28


Gauthier, E., Voisin, S., Besacier, L., 2018, "Machine assistance for large scale phonetics ", Computational Methods for Endangered Language Documentation and Description. Paris, Paris, 1-2 février 2018 (poster)


Gauthier, E., Besacier, L., Voisin, S., 2016, "Automatic speech recognition for african languages with vowel length contrast", Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced Languages (SLTU'16), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 09-12 mai


Gauthier, E., Baluchon, D., Besacier, L., Voisin, S., 2016, "LIG-AIKUMA, une application mobile pour la collecte de parole sur le terrain", Du terrain à la théorie : Les 40 ans du Lacito. Colloque international, Villejuif (France), 15-17 novembre


Gayraud, F., Barkat-Defradas, M., 2017, "Issues in assessing cognitive abilities in bilingual patients with Alzheimer’s disease", International Conference Corpora for Language and Aging Research, Berlin, 6-8 mars 2017


Gayraud, F., Frouin, C., 2015, "Working memory and syntactic capacity in Alzheimer's patients", EUROPEAN CPLOL CONGRESS, Florence, Italie, 08/05/2015


Gayraud, F., Martinie, B., Bentot, E., Lepillez, A., Tell, L., Cotton, F., Rode, G., 2014, "A twenty-year longitudinal study of written production in a locked-in syndrome with bilateral corticopontic degeneration", 19th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medecine, Marseille, France, May 26-31, 2014


Gayraud, F., Simoes-Loureiro, I., Frouin, C., Lefebvre, L., 2014, "Le développement du système lexico-sémantique chez l'enfant et sa déstructuration chez la personne atteinte de la maladie d'Alzheimer : une perspective life-span", Développements atypiques : quels apports pour la psychologie du développement ?, Rennes, France, 16-18 avril 2014


Gayraud, F., Barkat-Defradas, M., 2013, "Comprehension and Production of Complex Sentences and their relation to Working Memory. A comparative analysis of Alzheimer’s patients and healthy elderly subjects", 11th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Tenerife, Espagne, 20-23 mars 2013 (poster)


Gayraud, F., Thibert, C., Barkat-Defradas, M., 2012, "Age of Acquisition affects word retrieval in spontaneous speech produced by patients with Alzheimer’s disease", Colloque international - Perspectives neuropsycholinguistiques sur l’Aphasie, Toulouse, 21-23 juin 2012


Gayraud, F., Kern, S., 2006, "Phonetic complexity in typical and atypical French children", Child Language Seminar, Newcastle, 19-22 Juillet


Gayraud, F., Martinie, B., 2005, "Are complex sentences really difficult to process ?", Approaches to complexity in language, Helsinki, Finlande, 24-26 août 2005


Gayraud, F., Kern, S., 2005, "French children's early communicative development: the French MacArthur-Bates CDI as a mean of evaluation", Xth IASCL, Berlin, 25 au 29 juillet (poster)


Gayraud, F., Martinie, B., 2004, "Pauses as indicators of sentence planning revisited", AMLAP, Aix en Provence, 16-18 septembre 2004 (poster)


Gayraud, F., Kern, S., 2003, "Caractéristiques phonologiques des noms en fonction de leur âge d'acquisition", Rencontres Internationales du GDR phonologies, Montpellier, 2 au 4 juin


Gayraud, F., Kern, S., 2003, "Phonological characteristics of first words in French monolingual children", Child Language Seminar 2003, Newcastle, Angleterre, 9 au 11 juillet


Gayraud, F., 2000b, "Lexical planning during writing", European Association for Research on learning and instruction: Writing Conference, Verone, Italie, 6-9 septembre 2000


Gayraud, F., 2000a, "Attributive vs predicative adjectives as indicators of the difference between spoken and written language", International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics, Caen, France, 18-30 juin 2000


Gayraud, F., Jisa, H., Viguié, A., 2000, "Clause-linking structures in French children's written and spoken texts.", Symposium "Text Type, Modality, and Language in Developing Literacy", International Association for the Study of Child Language Congress, San Sebastian, Espagne, 16-24 juillet 2000


Gayraud, F., Gonnand, S., Jisa, H., Kern, S., 2000, "L'enfant bilingue", Apéro-Sciences du CNRS, Lyon, 6 décembre


Gayraud, F., Jisa, H., Viguié, A., 1999, "Clause-linking structures in narrative and expository texts produced in both speech and writing by French-speaking children", International Congress for the study of child language, San Sebastian, Espagne, 12-16 juillet 1999


Gayraud, F., 1999, "Lexical density as an example of the acquisition of register variation", International Congress for the Study of Child Language, San Sebastian, Espagne, 12-16 juillet 1999


Gayraud, F., 1998, "Distribution des sujets nominaux dans différents types de textes à l'oral et à l'écrit", ADL5, Paris, France, 4-5 décembre 1998


Gayraud, F., Jisa, H., Viguié, A., 1998, "Subordination as an indication of development", Spencer Foundation Workshop: Developing literacy in different contexts and in different languages, Max Planck Institute, Nimègue, Pays-Bas, 25 juin-1er juillet 1998


Gayraud, F., Jisa, H., Viguié, A., 1998, "The development of non finite subordination as syntactic packaging in written and spoken texts", 6th International Pragmatics Conference, Reims, France, 19-24 juillet 1998


Gayraud, F., Jisa, H., Viguié, A., 1998, "The development of syntactic packaging in French children's written and spoken texts", 1998 European Writing Conference - EARLI Special interest group, Poitiers, France, 2-4 juillet 1998


Ghimenton, A., Arnaud, V., Bonhomme, N., Coupé, C., 2023, "Developping preferences towards normative variants: an experimental study on monolingual and bilingual children living in France", VILA5 (Variation In Language Acquisition), Brussels, Belgique, 01-02 juin 2023


Gildea, S., Walther, G., 2015, "Information load determines optionality in Cariban", System Typology session - 11th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT11), Albuquerque, August 1-3


Glas, L., Kern, S., 2018, "Recueil de données et acquisition lexicale : effet de la variation situationnelle et différences interindividuelles", Colloque de la Société Française pour l’Étude du Comportement Animal, Rennes, France, 19-21 juin (poster)


Glas, L., Kern, S., 2015, "Early vocabulary development in French monolingual children and activity types", Workshop on Infant Language Development, Stockholm, June 10-12


Glas, L., Rossi, C., 2014, "Activity contexts and early vocabulary development: a cross linguistic study", Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics, Washington D.C., United States, March 14-16, 2014 (poster)


Glas, L., Kern, S., 2013, "Développement de l'enfant: aptitudes motrices, sociales et langagières", Fête de la science, Privas , 12 et 13 octobre (poster)


Glas, L., Kern, S., 2013, "Effet de la fréquence d’exposition sur l’acquisition des premiers mots ", Colloque de la Société Française pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal, Dijon, Novembre 2013


Gobet, S., 2018, "Des formes pour des fonctions : l’anaphore en langue des signes dans des narrations d’enfants sourds ", Colloque international Gérer L’Anaphore en Discours (GLAD 2018) : vers une approche interdisciplinaire, Grenoble, 2018


Gobet, S., Gaucher, C., Kirsh, S., 2018, "Surdité ou déficience : choix de l'accompagnement de l'enfant sourd et de sa famille", 15e Colloque annuel de l’Association canadienne d’études sur le handicap – Canadian Disability Studies Association, Regina (Canada), 2018


Goldwasser, O., Grinevald, C., 2010, "Written and spoken classifiers in a typological perspective", Categorizing Human Experience: Classification in Languages and Knowledge Systems COST A 31 project Final Conference, ENS, Paris, 14-16 mai


Gonnand, S., 2001b, "Familiarity effect and recall of word level in written narratives of 6 to 11 year-old children", Child Language Seminar, Université d'Hertfordshire, Angleterre, Royaume-Uni, juillet 2001


Gonnand, S., 2000b, "Le développement des composantes et des sous-composantes narratives en situation de rappel immédiat de supports auditifs [+/– connu]", 3ème colloque internationnal COFDELA, Perspectives cognitives en linguistique appliquée et didactique des langues, Avignon, France, 26-28 octobre 2000


Gonnand, S., 2000a, "Development of narrative component and sub-component in immediate recall of written narrative texts", European Association for Research on learning and instruction: Writing Conference, Vérone, Italie, 6-9 septembre 2000


Gonnand, S., 1999, "Vers une diversité lexicale des outils de connexion", Réunion Rhône-Alpine, Processus langagiers : contribution des Sciences Cognitives, Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Lyon, France, 6 novembre 1999


Gordon, M., Rose, F., 2019, "Acoustic correlates of metrical proeminence in Mojeño Trinitario", International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, 2019 (poster)


Gordon, M., Applebaum, A., Chacon, T., Martin, J., Rose, F., 2018, "A cross-linguistic study of phonetic correlates of metrical structure in under-documented languages", 176th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Victoria, Canada, 05/11/18


Grataloup, C., Hoen, M., Pellegrino, F., Meunier, F., 2007, "Influence des paramètres psycholinguistiques du cocktail party sur la compréhension d'un signal de parole cible", Journées Perception Sonores, Lyon, 18-19 Janvier


Grataloup, C., Hoen, M., Collet, L., Veuillet, E., Meunier, F., 2004, "Etudes comportementale et électrophysiologique des processus de restauration cognitive d’un signal de parole dégradé", Colloque ‘Perturbations et réajustements, Langue et Langage, Réseau Grand-Est des Sciences Cognitives : COGNIEST, Strasbourg, decembre (poster)


Grimm, A., Ferré, S., dos Santos, C., Shiat, S., 2014, "Can nonwords be language-independent? Cross-linguistic evidence from monolingual and bilingual acquisition of French, Lebanese and German", 13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 14-18, 2014


Grinevald, C., Pivot, B., 2019, "The revitalization of a treasure language: The case of Rama (Nicaragua)", Conference of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), New York City, January 3–6


Grinevald, C., Assadi, B., Kauffmann, M., Hugdson, E., Zelaya, I., 2018, "El Proyecto de Lengua Rama (PLR): 1986- presente", Congreso internacional: 'Contacto, documentación y revitalización de lenguas en desplazamiento en Hispanoamérica: Desafíos en la diversidad II', Université de San Jose, Costa Rica, 26 février


Grinevald, C., 2018, "Rama Language Project of Nicaragua 2017", Atelier LED TDR - Retour de Terrain, DDL, Lyon, janvier


Grinevald, C., Bert, M., 2018, "Retour de terrain de LED TDR: Lyon à NILI Oregon été 2018", Séminaire LED-TDR, DDL, Lyon, 21 septembre


Grinevald, C., Bert, M., Pivot, B., 2017, "Articulating the sociolinguistic context of very endangered language revitalization projects: LED TDR and PAR", EngHum Conference 2017, University of Warsaw, 15 novembre


Grinevald, C., 2017, "Different versions of PAR over the thirty years of the Rama Language Project of Nicaragua ", EngHum Conference 2017 , University of Warsaw, 15 novembre


Grinevald, C., Bert, M., Pivot, B., 2017, "Langues et communautés indiennes en Oregon : retour de terrain (juin-juillet 2017 DDL-ASLAN WP2) ", Séminaire LED TDR, DDL, Lyon, 13 octobre


Grinevald, C., 2017, "Updating Grinevald 2007: Linguistic fieldwork among speakers of endangered languages", EngHum Conference 2017, University of Warsaw, 14 Novembre


Grinevald, C., Goldwasser, O., 2014, "At the crossroad of gender and classifiers in Ancient Egyptian", Gender and Classifiers : Cross Linguistic Perspectives, University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom, January 17, 2014


Grinevald, C., Sinha, C., 2014, "North South Relations in Linguistic Science: collaboration or colonialism?", 36th International LAUD Symposium. Endangerment of Languages across the Planet: The Dynamics of Linguistic Diversity and Globalization, University of Koblenz, Landau, Germany, March 31 - April 3, 2014


Grinevald, C., Haude, K., 2013, "Class terms, classifiers or noun classes? the case of Movima", 10th ALT (Association of Linguistic Typology), Leipzig, Allemagne, 15-18 août


Grinevald, C., 2012, "Proyecto de Lengua Rama: hablando de espacio y territorio", 54 ICA (International Congress of Americanists), Vienna, Austria, 15-21 juillet


Grinevald, C., Ishibashi, M., Leemens, M., Vuillermet, M., 2011, "Building a Typology of Path: what kind of typology, what methodologies, what languages?", Pre-AFLiCo ‘Trajectoire’ Workshop, Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage / Université Lyon 2, Lyon, 23-24 mai.


Grinevald, C., Bert, M., 2010, "Langues en danger, idéologies et revitalisation", Langues de France, langues en danger: aménagement et rôle des linguistes, DDL/ICAR/Institut Gardette/DGLF-LF, Lyon, 22-23 janvier


Grinevald, C., 2009, "The (Jakaltek) Popti’ Noun Classifier System: From its origins to recent developments", The diachrony of classification systems COST Workshop (Action A31), Wassenaar, 12-14 Mars 2009


Grinevald, C., Bert, M., 2009, "Whose ideology, where and when? Rama (Nicaragua) and Francoprovençal (France) experiences", ELAP Workshop: Beliefs and Ideology, SOAS, Londres, United Kingdom, February 27-28


Grinevald, C., 2002, "L'expression de l'espace dans une perspective typologique : une stratégie descriptive", Colloque TYPO-3, Cerlityp, Paris, France, 19 novembre 2002


Grinevald, C., 2001, "Rama relational preverbs: cliticized, incorporated but no applicatives", Linguistic Society of America, San Francisco, Etats-Unis, 17 novembre 2001


Grinevald, C., Creissels, D., Seifart, F., 2001, "Towards a typological comparison of Niger-Congo and Amazonian nominal classification systems", International Symposium: Typology of African Languages, Cologne, Allemagne, 23 mai 2001


Grinevald, C., Creissels, D., 2000, "Typologie des systèmes de classification nominale : le défi amazonien", 2ème Colloque de Typologie de Paris, Paris, France, 24 novembre 2000


Grinevald, C., 1998, "A typology of path concepts: directionals in Mayan languages", American Anthropological Association - SSILA, Philadelphia, Etats-Unis, 4 novembre 1998


Grinevald, C., 1998, "Endangered languages of Bolivia: a view from the field", Linguistic Society of America - SSILA, New-York, Etats-Unis, 9 janvier 1998


Grollemund, R., Philippson, G., 2019, "A tentative new phylogenetic classification of zone A languages, based on consonant correspondences", 50th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Workshop "Languages of Cameroon", Vancouver, Canada, 22-25/05/2019


Grollemund, R., Branford, S., Hombert, J.M., Pagel, M., 2016, "Genetic unity of the Niger-Congo family", Towards Proto-Niger Congo: Comparison and Reconstruction (2nd International Congress), Paris, Sept 1-3


Grollemund, R., Branford, S., Field, S., Hombert, J.M., Pagel, M., 2015, "Towards a new phylogeny of Niger-Congo languages", World Congress of African Linguistics (WOCAL 8), Kyoto, Japan, 21-24 August 2015


Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Linguistic Classification and population movements in the North Western part of the Equatorial forest", Colloque ‘The impact of a major environmental crisis on species, populations and communities: the fragmentation of African forests at the end of the Holocene’, Académie des Sciences, Paris, 1-2 mars 2012


Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Sorting out the position of Bantu languages in Bantoid", World Congress of African Linguistics 7 (Wocal 7), Buea, Cameroun, 20-24 août 2012


Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., 2011, "Phylogenetic Classification of North Western Bantu Languages", Bantu 4, Berlin, 7-9 April, 2011


Grollemund, R., 2011, "Phylogenetic classification of North Western Bantu languages", ICHLXX (20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics), Osaka, Japan, July 25-30, 2011


Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., 2010, "Language Classification and Specialized Lexicons: A Case Study in North-West Bantu", 40th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, CALL 40, Leiden, August 23-25, 2010


Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., 2010, "Use of Plant Names for the Classification of the Bantu Languages of Gabon", 41th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL 41), Toronto, 6-8 mai 2010


Grollemund, R., 2009, "Gepinzi, a complex verbal system (B30)", 39th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics (CALL 39), Leiden, Pays-Bas, 24-26 August 2009


Grollemund, R., 2009, "Le système verbal en apindji (B30)", 3rd International Conference On Bantu Languages (BANTU 3), Musée Royal de l’Afrique centrale, Tervuren, Belgique, 24-28 mars 2009


Grollemund, R., 2009, "The verbal system in Gepinzi (B30)", World Congress of African Linguistics 6 (WOCAL 6), Cologne, 17-21 août 2009


Guérois, R., 2014, "When the trees cut the man: Verb agreement in Cuwabo relative clauses (Bantu, P34)", Syntax of the World's Languages VI, Pavia, Italy, September 8-10, 2014


Guérois, R., Philippson, G., 2013, "Lexical and grammatical tone interactions in Cuwabo (P34)", 5th International Conference on Bantu Languages (Bantu 5), Paris, Juin 12-15.


Guérois, R., 2013, "Makhuwa, Cuwabo and their closest relatives: some new evidence", Phonetics and Phonology of Sub-Saharan Languages, Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud, Juillet 7-10.


Guérois, R., 2013, "Vowel concatenation in Cuwabo", Phonetics and Phonology of Sub-Saharan Languages, Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud, Juillet 7-10.


Guérois, R., 2012, "Areal and genetic factors in language classification: the case of Cuwabo (Bantu P34, Mozambique)", Graduate Conference on Areal Linguistics, Grammar and Contacts, Tartu, Estonie, 4-6 mai 2012.


Guillaume, A., 2024, "“Lexical affixes” of associated motion and associated posture in Tacana and beyond", 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE57), Workshop on "Lexical affixes", University of Helsinki (Finland), 21-24 August 2024


Guillaume, A., 2023, "Associated motion and associated posture in Tacana and other South American languages", Coloquio Internacional Amazónicas IX: Estructura de las lenguas amazónicas, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá (Colombia), 5-9 June


Guillaume, A., De Pasquale, N., 2021, "Associated motion in Western Sicilian: a preliminary account", Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE54), Digital conference, August 30 - September 3 (video)


Guillaume, A., 2019, "Associated motion & ‘associated posture’ in Tacana (Takanan family, Amazonian Bolivia)", 13th Conference of the Association of Linguistic Typology (ALT), University of Pavia (Italy), 4-6 September


Guillaume, A., 2018, "The grammar of negation in Tacana (Takanan, Amazonian Bolivia)", Workshop: “Negation in the languages of the world”. Syntax of the World's Languages VIII. , INALCO, Paris, 3-5 September


Guillaume, A., 2017, "A preliminary investigation of directive moods in Tacana (Takanan family, Amazonian Bolivia)", Atelier Morphosyntaxe “Imperatives and commands”, Laboratoire DDL, Lyon, 7 April


Guillaume, A., 2017, "A preliminary investigation of the possible effects of obsolescence on the grammatical structure of Reyesano (Takanan family, Amazonian Bolivia)", Workshop: “Obsolescing grammars: the effects of language ecology on language structure”, Laboratoire DDL, Lyon, 16 May


Guillaume, A., 2017, "Associated motion & associated posture in Tacana", Workshop « Espace & événements : mouvement et posture associés » (EEMPA), Paris Chicago Center, Paris, 19-20 June


Guillaume, A., 2017, "Associated motion: Australia, South America and beyond", Workshop on "Associated Motion", held in conjunction with the 12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), Camberra, Australia, 15 December


Guillaume, A., 2017, "Towards a reconstruction of negation patterns in simplex and complex (coverb) constructions in Tacana (Amazonian Bolivia)", Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE50), University of Zurich, Switzerland, September 10-13


Guillaume, A., 2016, "A preliminary investigation of epistemic particles in Tacana (Takanan family, Amazonian Bolivia)", Atelier de Morphosyntaxe, Laboratoire DDL, Lyon, 21 October


Guillaume, A., 2016, "Dimensions of morphological complexity in the associated motion systems of South American languages", ASLAN Complexity Meeting, Institut des Sciences de l'Homme & Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, 15-16 June


Guillaume, A., 2016, "Estudio preliminar de la negación en tacana (familia takana, Bolivia)", Coloquio Internacional Amazonicas VI: Fonología y sintaxis, Leticia (Colombia) & Tabatinga (Brasil), 24-28 May


Guillaume, A., 2016, "Negation in Tacana (Amazonian Bolivia): descriptive, typological and historical perspectives", Syntax of the World's Languages VII, Mexico City, Mexico, 17-19 August


Guillaume, A., 2015, "La morphologie évaluative et expressive en tacana (Bolivie)", Workshop , Laboratoire DDL, Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon, 29-30 avril


Guillaume, A., 2015, "Maintenance, loss, and renewal of ergative marking in core argument pronouns in Takanan languages (Amazonian Bolivia & Peru)", Workshop: Diachronic Morphosyntax in South American Languages (DiaSAL), Laboratoire DDL, Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon, May 28-30


Guillaume, A., 2015, "Reconstructing the history of a counter-universal pattern of split ergativity in Tacana ", Transalpine Typology Meeting (TTM4), Laboratoire DDL, Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon, October 8-9


Guillaume, A., 2015, "Reconstructing the history of ergative marking and alignment change in core argument pronouns and NPs in Takanan languages (Amazonian Bolivia & Peru)", International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL22), Naples, Italy, July 27-31


Guillaume, A., 2015, "Reconstructing the morphology and syntax of core argument pronouns in Takanan languages (Amazonian Bolivia and Peru)", Atelier Morphosyntaxe, , Laboratoire DDL, Lyon, May 22


Guillaume, A., 2015, "Second position pronominal clitics in Takanan languages: descriptive and comparative-historical perspectives ", Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE48), Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL), Leiden, September 2-5


Guillaume, A., 2014, "The decay of ergativity in Tacana (Tacanan family, Amazonian Bolivia): a preliminary descriptive and comparative study", Syntax of the World's Languages VI, Pavia, Italy, September 8-10


Guillaume, A., 2013, "Towards a typology of associated motion in South American languages and beyond", 10ème colloque de l'Association Internationale de Linguistique Typologique, Leipzig, 15-18 août


Guillaume, A., 2012, "Complex associated motion systems of Southwestern Amazonia: descriptive, typological and areal perspectives ", Symposium "The Language of Space in Latin American Indigenous Languages", 54th International Congress of Americanists , Vienna, Austria, July 15-20


Guillaume, A., 2012, "Encoding of information structure in Cavineña narratives", Syntax of the World's Languages 5 (SWL5), Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 1-4


Guillaume, A., 2012, "Sistemas complejos de movimiento asociado en las lenguas Takana y Pano: perspectiva comparativa ", Simposio: Pano-Takana: Morfosintaxis Sincrónica y Diacrónica. Coloquio Internacional Amazonicas IV: La estructura de las lenguas amazónicas: fonología y sintaxis, Lima, Peru, April, 24-28


Guillaume, A., 2011, "From ergative case-marking to hierarchical agreement in Reyesano (Tacanan, Bolivia)", Workshop "Referential Hierarchies in Alignment Typology", 44th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea , Logroño, Espagne, 8-11 Septembre 2011


Guillaume, A., 2011, "Grammaticalization of motion and language contact: the category of “associated motion” in southwestern Amazonian languages ", 4ème Colloque International de l'Association Française de Linguistique Cognitive (AFLiCo), Lyon, France, 24-27 mai 2011


Guillaume, A., 2011, "The grammaticalization of “associated motion” in Bolivian Amazonian languages", 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Osaka, Japon, 25-30 juillet 2011


Guillaume, A., 2011, "What’s in a Tacana verb?", Americanist Meeting, University of Leipzig, Allemagne, 24 juin


Guillaume, A., Vuillermet, M., 2010, "Les constructions antipassives dans les langues takana (Bolivie et Pérou)", Atelier de morphosyntaxe, DDL, Lyon, November 26


Guillaume, A., 2010, "Verbal markers of motion and/or direction in Lowland Bolivian languages : typological and areal perspectives", Workshop : Verbal markers of motion and/or direction in the Amazonian languages of the Guaporé-Mamoré region (and beyond), DDL-ISH, 10 march 2010


Guillaume, A., 2009, "Pervasive reduplication processes in Cavineña (Tacanan, Amazonian Bolivia)", 51st International Congress of Americanists. Symposium: Reduplication in the Amazonian languages, Centro Histórico, Mexico City, Mexico, July 19-24, 2009


Guillaume, A., 2008, "The development of split intransitivity in Tacanan languages", Conférence annuelle de la Linguistic Society of America (LSA), session de la Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), Chicago, 3-6 janvier


Guillaume, A., 2008, "Third person agreement and passive marking in Tacanan languages: a historical perspective", 3ème congrès "Syntax of the World's Languages", Berlin, 25-28 septembre


Guillaume, A., Rose, F., 2007, "A typology of sociative causative: between causatives and applicatives", 7ème colloque de l'Association Internationale de Linguistique Typologique, Paris, 25-27 septembre


Guillaume, A., 2006, "Hierarchical systems with inverse effect: the case of Reyesano", 2ème congrès « Syntax of the World's Languages », Lancaster (Royaume-Uni), 14-17 Septembre


Guillaume, A., 2006, "More on the typology of inverse systems: the reyesano suffix -ta", Conférence annuelle de la Linguistic Society of America (LSA), session de la Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), Albuquerque (États-Unis), 5-8 Janvier 2006


Guillaume, A., 2004, "‘Split ergativity’ in Cavineña revisited", 1er congrès « Syntax of the World's Languages », Leipzig (Allemagne), 5-8 août 2004


Guillaume, A., 2004, "Revisiting ‘split ergativity’ in Cavineña", 3ème rencontre du Programme International de Coopération Scientifique (PICS) sur ‘L’ergativité en Amazonie’, Villejuif, France, Décembre 2004


Guillaume, A., 2003, "Bound nouns in Cavineña", 51st International Congress of Americanists, Santiago, Chili, 14-18 juillet 2003


Guillaume, A., 2001, "Auxiliary verbs in Cavineña: what do they do?", Post-Graduate Conference of Melbourne University, Melbourne (Australie), 21-22 septembre 2001.


Guillaume, A., 2001, "The auxiliary construction in Cavineña.", Conférence annuelle de la Australian Linguistic Society (ALS), Camberra (Australie), 27-30 septembre 2001


Guillaume, A., 2000, "Affixes of motion and direction in Cavineña", Conférence annuelle de la Linguistic Society of America (LSA), session de la Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), Chicago (États-Unis), 7-8 janvier 2000


Guillaume, A., 2000, "Participial and Switch-Reference in Cavineña", . Post-Graduate Conference of Melbourne University, Melbourne (Australie), 7 octobre 2000.


Guillaume, A., 1999, "Directionals versus associated motions in Cavineña", . 26th LACUS forum (Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States), Edmonton (Canada), 3-7 août


Guillaume, A., 1998, "An instrumental study of the alveolar flap in Cavineña.", Conférence annuelle de la Linguistic Society of America (LSA), session de la Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), New York (États-Unis), Janvier 1998.


Guiraud, H., Boulenger, V., Pellegrino, F., 2017, "Cortical oscillations and language variation: Towards a cross-linguistic perspective", Linguistic Diversity Meets The Brain: Future directions in the language sciences, Workshop at the Department of Comparative Linguistics, University of Zurich, Zurich (Suisse), 15-17 mai


Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A.S., Jerbi, K., Boulenger, V., 2017, "Tracking of speech rhythm by brain oscillations: What happens in children with typical and atypical language development? A magnetoencephalography (MEG) study", 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, 17-21 juillet (poster)


Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A.S., Jerbi, K., Boulenger, V., 2016, "Comment le rythme de la parole est-il traité chez les enfants à développement langagier typique? Une étude en MEG.", Journée Scientifique du Département de Psychologie, Montréal, 7 avril


Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A.S., Jerbi, K., Boulenger, V., 2016, "Coupling of Speech Rhythm and Cortical Oscillations: an MEG Study in Typically Developing Children", Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Genève, 26-30 juin (poster)


Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A., Jerbi, K., Boulenger, V., 2016, "Effect of speech rhythm on acoustic-cortical coupling using magnetoencephalography. Analysis for adults and children ", CoCoLab Meeting, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 26 mai


Guiraud, H., Jerbi, K., Hincapié, A.S., Boulenger, V., 2016, "How cortical oscillations track speech rhythm in children: a MEG study", BIOMAG 2016: The 20th international conference on biomagnetism, Séoul (Korea), 1-6 octobre (poster)


Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A.S., Jerbi, K., Boulenger, V., 2016, "Speech rhythm and cortical oscillations: a study in typically developing children", Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, New York, 2-5 avril (poster)


Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A.S., Jerbi, K., Boulenger, V., 2016, "Tracking of speech rhythm by cortical oscillations: an MEG study in typically developing children", Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Londres, 17-20 août (poster)


Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A.S., Jerbi, K., Boulenger, V., 2016, "Tracking of Speech Rhythm in Typically Developing Children: a MEG Study.", Journées Scientifiques du CERNEC, Saint-Sauveur, 12-13 mars (poster)


Guiraud, H., Krifi-Papoz, S., Herbillon, V., Bascoul, A., Gonzalez-Monge, S., Merle, L., Boulenger, V., 2014, "Processing of natural fast speech and time-compressed speech in children with speech output disorders", Late Stages in Speech and Communication Development, London, United Kingdom, April 3-4, 2014 (poster)


Guiraud, H., Bedoin, N., Ferragne, E., Boulenger, V., 2013, "Processus d’adaptation lors de la perception de la parole rapide chez l’enfant", 55ème Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, Lyon, 11-13 septembre (poster)  (pdf)

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