Oh, Y., Pellegrino, F., Marsico, E. & Coupé, C., 2013, "A Quantitative and Typological Approach to Correlating Linguistic Complexity", proc. of the 5th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics, Leuven, Belgium, September 12-14 (abstract) (paper, slides)
Oh, Y., Pellegrino, F., Coupé, C., Marsico, E., 2013, "Cross-language Comparison of Functional Load for Vowels, Consonants, and Tones", proc. of Interspeech 2013, Lyon, France, August 25-29 (paper)
Oh, Y., Coupé, C., Pellegrino, F., 2013, "Effect of Bilingualism on Speech Rate: the Case of Catalan and Basque Bilinguals in Spain", proc. of The International Congress of Linguists, Geneva, July 21-27 (poster) (poster)
Oh, Y., 2012, "Linguistic Complexity and Information Rate: Quantitative Approaches", proc. of Colloque des doctorants et des jeunes chercheurs (COLDOC) 2012, Traitement de corpus: outils et méthodes, Paris, October 4-5 (poster) (pdf)
Oh, Y., Pellegrino, F., 2012, "Quantitative Approaches to Phonological Complexity: the Case of East Asian Languages", proc. of The International Conference of Korean Association for Corpus Linguistics, Busan, South Korea, December 10-11 (slides)
Oker, A., Versace, R., 2008, "La distinctivité en categorization", actes de Congrès Société Française de Psychologie (SFP), Bordeaux, 10-12/09/2008 (résumé) (poster) |
Oker, A., Versace, R., 2008, "Spatial distinctiveness effect in categorization", proc. of Recollection Workshop “Remember/Know Paradigm, Neuropsychology and Aging, Tours (France) – Leeds (England), 28-30/05/2008 (poster) |