Dernière mise à jour : 10/02/2024  |
Formation et parcours professionnel
Thèmes de recherche
Activités scientifiques
Activités d’encadrement
Principales publications et conférences
- December 2023-present: Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage (CNRS,Lyon)
- October 2022-September 2023: University of Tübingen, visiting professor
- May 2022–September 2022: University of Hamburg, research fellow
- 2017–July 2022: National Research University Higher School of Economics, Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, head of laboratory
- 2011–July 2022: National Research University Higher School of Economics, School of Linguistics, professor
- 2016: doctor of linguistics, Institute of Russian language (equivalent to habilitation)
- 2016–2017: visiting scholar, Collegium de Lyon, University of Lyon
- 2003–2011: National Research University Higher School of Economics, Department of Language and Literature, assistant professor
- 2009: visiting scholar, Collegium for Advanced Studies, Helsinki University (Kone fellowship)
- 1999–2001: visiting scholar, University of Antwerp, participant of the World Atlas of Language Structures
- 1995: candidate of sciences (equivalent to PhD in linguistics), Moscow State University
- 1991–1994: PhD studies in linguistics, Russian State University for Humanities
- 1985–1991: Specialist (MA equivalent) in Linguistics, Moscow State University, Department of Russian language and literature
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 | Nakh-Daghestanian languages
Typology of non-indicative moods
Small-scale multilingualism and language contact
Multilingualism and language contact in Daghestan
Language variation and change :
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- Member of the Editorial Board of Glossa Contact
- Member of the Academia Europaea
- Member of the Editorial Board of Languages of the Caucasus Series at Language Science Press
- Member of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT)
- Member of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE)
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 | Fieldwork on languages of Russia, 1988 - 2022:
Mehweb (Nakh-Daghestanian), Godoberi (Nakh-Daghestanian), Bagvalal (Nakh-Daghestanian), Tsakhur
(Nakh-Daghestanian), Archi (Nakh-Daghestanian), Rutul (Nakh-Daghestanian), Tatar (Turkic), Chuvash
(Turkic), Balkar (Turkic), Khakas (Turkic), Ustja River basin dialect of Russian (Slavic)
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- University of Tübingen, October 2022 - September 2023: Language contact for BA and MA students, Field methods in linguistics for BA and MA students, Typological methods in linguistics for BA and MA students, Languages and peoples of the Caucasus for BA and MA students
- HSE University, 2003–2022: Sociolinguistics for BA students, Sociolinguistics for MA students, Theoretical grammar of Russian language for BA students, Academic writing for BA students, Russian language for foreign students
- Hamburg University, Summer school, 1 July 2022: Structural and sociolinguistic diversity in highland Daghestan (together with Michael Daniel)
- University of Pavia, November 3–4, 2021: Language typology and language contact: insights from phonology, lexicon and grammar (together with Michael Daniel and Eitan Grossman)
- Laboratoire dynamique du langage (Lyon), February–April 2017: Atelier Morphosyntaxe on Imperatives and Commands (together with Marine Vuillermet)
- Batumi International Summer School on Digital Caucasiology, 1–8 October 2019: Caucasian studies meet quantitative sociolinguistics (together with Michael Daniel)
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Supervision of about 20 BA, MA and PhD theses, including:
- Aigul Zakirova. Plural marking across word classes in the East Caucasian languages. (PhD defence October 2023).
- Anna Petukhova. Code switching in a conversation of Yakut-native bilinguals.
- Diana Senkina. Language situation in the villages of Daghestan, formed as a result of the resettlement of the highlanders on the plain and in the foothills.
- Anastasija Fedorenko. Contact-induced changes in four Lezgic languages.
- Aleksandr Sergienko. M-reduplication: an areal study.
- Darja Perova. Factors of phonetic adaptation on the example of variable pronunciation [p] / [p'] before a vowel in place of the letter "e" in loanwords.
- Kristina Bondarenko. Sociolinguistic parameters of the use of diminutives.
- Maria Mazaeva. Multilingualism according to sociolinguistic survey data: several regions of mountainous Dagestan.
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Ouvrages édités
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Dobrushina, N. & Ruchot, T. (eds), 2022, "The optative: a cross-linguistic study", 22, Presses universitaires de Caen, 230 p. |
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Dobrushina, N., Khanina, O. & Pakendorf, B. (eds), 2021, "Typology of Small-Scale Multilingualism", 25/4, International Journal of Bilingualism, 835-1157 p. (couverture)
Chapitres dans les ouvrages
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Melenchenko, M., Koncha, K. & Dobrushina, N., 2023, "Sociolinguistic study in Tsudakhar zone", in Songs and Trees: Papers in Memory of Sasha Vydrina, Sumbatova, N., Kapitonov, I., Khachaturyan, M., Oskolskaya, S. & Verhees, M. (eds), St. Petersburg: Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, pp. 451-483 |
Articles de revues
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Dobrushina, N., 2024, "Evaluation between grammar and context: the case of blessings and curses", Diachronica, 41:5, pp. 605-634 |
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Dobrushina, N., 2023, "Language ideology in an endogamous society: the case of Daghestan.", Journal of Sociolinguistics., 27:2, pp. 159-176 |
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Dobrushina, N., 2023, "Nakh-Daghestanian Languages: Digital Resources and some Examples of their Use.", Digital Caucasiology, 2, pp. 188-199 |
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Dobrushina, N. & Sokur, E., 2022, "Spoken corpora of Slavic languages", Russian linguistics, 46:2, pp. 77-93 |
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Daniel, M., Koshevoy, A., Schurov, I. & Dobrushina, N., 2022, "Can recall data be trusted? Evaluating reliability of interview data on traditional multilingualism in highland Daghestan", Field methods, 34:4, pp. 288–302 |